Jami Gibbs

Hello! I’m Nkosilathi Tauro and I'm a Developer from Cape Town, RSA. I have expertise in software, data science and game development. When I'm not contributing to a cool side project or sharpening my JavaScript & Python skills, I'm mentoring students and playing my favorite video games.

Tech I'm familiar with


Latest Work

NodeJS JWT Template

A NodeJS JWT backend Template that allows one to quickly create a Full Stack application with a authenticated backend/Frontend. Features : Login/Register and user Routes Built with JavaScript, MongoDB and Node.js

Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Wiki

A wiki to quickly refresh your DnD memory and to help beginners get started. Built with Vue 3, [dndapi](http://www.dnd5eapi.co/) and TailwindCSS

Authentication App

Vue3 Authentication App. Allows users to Login/Register with email and additional auth strategies (google + github). Includes Cloud Firestore for storing profile details ..

Built using Node.js, Vue 3, TailwindCSS, Firebase and FireStore.

Create-Basic-App CLI

Create-basic-app is a CLI tool for you to quickly bootstrap a new project boilerplate. By inputting different commands to the create-basic-app CLI in your terminal you can generate different starter codes for JavaScript-based or Python-based applications. This CLI was created to help developers quickly get started with their amazing and important tasks at hand and reduce the initial boilerplate code developers need to write.

Built using JavaScript, Node.js and these npm packages : arg, chalk, execa, inquirer and listr

Retro Mania

A 2D platforming game that tasks the player to Defeat the final boss and save the prince.

Built with Godot Engine and GD Script

Course Planner

Enter: Course Planner This app aims to help you organise the courses you need to take each month- it provides a broad overview of what courses you’ll need to work on month-to-month, and when they finish and end. It allows you to ensure you are spreading out your personal learning goals evenly throughout the year so you can get the education you need in a balanced and timely fashion.

Built using Android Studio, Java.